Atacama Desert of South America Desert Resource Management and Punctuated Environmental Change Greg Zaro & Alissa Dubois (text written by Alissa Dubois) The Cola de Zorro archaeological site between the…
Patagonia, Chile Reconstructing the Holocene glacial variations of the Hielo Patagonico Sur at Torres del Paine (51oS), southern South America Juan Luis García, February 2010 Uncovering the timing and extension…
Kahiltna Glacier, Alaska – Denali National Park Modeling energy balance and melt layer formation on the Kahiltna Glacier, Alaska Dom Winski, Seth Campbell, Karl Kreutz A pressing scientific issue in…
Tupungatito Caldera Glacier, Central Andes High-Elevation Ice Core Reconnaissance on Tupungatito Caldera Glacier, Central Andes, Chile Paul A. Mayewski, Gino Casassa, Gonzalo and Sebastian Camps, Daniel Dixon, Daniel Frye, Bjorn…
Maine Wetlands 2010 Assessing the Effect of Hydrologic Change on Sora and Virginia Rail Populations Ellen Robertson and Brian Olsen Maine (Penobscot and Washington Counties-May through August-2010) The goal of…
Glacier History of the New Zealand Southern Alps Personnel: George H. Denton Graduate students: Aaron E. Putnam (Ph.D. candidate), Kathryn L. Ladig (M.S. student), Alice M. Doughty (M.S., now at…
Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China Palaeoclimate of Central Asia: Glacial geology and palaeohydrology of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China Aaron E. Putnam, George H. Denton Collaborators: Wally Broecker and Joerg Schaefer…
Holocene Behavior of Local Ice Caps in East Greenland Brenda Hall, Amanda Lusas August 2010 The Greenland Ice Sheet as well as the rest of the Arctic cryosphere is currently…
Pucuncho Basin, Peruvian Andes Glacial Geology and Archaeology in the Pucuncho Basin, Peruvian Andes Kurt Rademaker and Gordon Bromley, Kristen Gardella (UPenn), Peter Leach and David Reid (J. A. Milner…
Human-Environment Interaction in the Central Coast of Peru toward the end of the Early Intermediate Period (ca. AD 500-700). A View from a Late Lima Culture Site. Participant: Ana Cecilia…
Los Morteros Ground-Penetrating Radar Study, Chaos, Peru CCI Participants: Daniel Sandweiss, Joseph Kelley, Alice Kelley, Daniel Belknap; CCI Graduate Students: Kurt Rademaker, Elizabeth Olsen, Cecilia Maurico; CCI Undergraduate Students: David…
BearTooth Mountains 2010 Assessing the release of reactive nitrogen by melting alpine glaciers: effects on diatom diversity and water clarity in lake ecosystems over the last century. Krista Slemmons, Jasmine…
Southern Transantarctic Mountains, Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica Constraints on the Last Ross Sea Ice Sheet from Glacial Deposits in the Southern Transantarctic Mountains Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica Brenda Hall, Gordon Bromley Dec…
Royal Society Range, Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles Brenda Hall, Stephanie Allard, Toby Koffman, Calvin Mako, Robin Arnold, Glenn McKenney…
Southern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes, NZ 2010 The Anatomy of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) Climate Change in the Southern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes: Paleoecological Temperature Reconstructions from Terrestrial Archives Ann Dieffenbacher-Krall, Marcus Vandergoes, Erin…