2012 Expeditions

RICE 2012 Exp

Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE)

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Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Roosevelt Island, Antarctica Second Field Season: 10/10/2011 – 01/19/2012 Funding: National Science Foundation and GNS Science Webpage written by Thomas Beers RICE is an international…
Tidal Marshes Northeast US 2012 Exp

Surveying Tidal Marshes across the Northeastern U.S.

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Surveying Tidal Marshes across the Northeastern U.S. Field Team Members:  Mo Correll, Kate Ruskin, James Style, Brian Olsen and Tom Hodgman Point count surveys – Maine to Virginia (Intensive demographic…

Investigation of Historic Coastal Sand Inundation, Shetland UK

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Investigation of Historic Coastal Sand Inundation, Shetland UK Travel Assistance and Equipment Shipping Funding Provided by Dan and Betty Churchill Expedition Members: Alice Kelley, Joe Kelley, Lee Sorrell Introduction This…

A Kinematic Survey of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal

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Khumbu Glacier, Nepal A Kinematic Survey of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal: A contribution to the study of how global warming affects glaciers in the Himalaya and the consequences for massive populations…
Maya Obsidian Belize Exp 2012

Maya Obsidian of the Three Rivers region, Belize

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Maya Obsidian of the Three Rivers region, Belize May 17th, 2012 to  June 14th, 2012 CCI Participant: Walter Beckwith Funding Support: Dan and Betty Churchill Fund, Programme for Belize Archaeological…

Beartooth Mountains, Montana 2012

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Beartooth Mountains, Montana 2012 Nitrogen Subsidies in Glacial Meltwater: Implications for High Elevation Aquatic Chains Beartooth Mountains, Montana – 2012 Field Team Members: Kate Warner, Jasmine Saros, Carl Tuggend, Katie…

Los Morteros, Chao Valley, Peru 2012

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Los Morteros, Chao Valley, Peru 2012 Geoarchaeological Explorations of an Early Mound, North Coast of Peru   Research Report Submitted to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine…
Kuli South Georgia Exp 2012

Kuli South Georgia Expediton

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Researchers with UMaine’s Climate Change Institute will be blogging while on a trip to South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean. The expedition members are Climate Change Institute Director…