
On the Trail of Maine’s Ice Age

As the Ice Age ended almost 14,000 years ago, glaciers moved through Down East Maine, leaving scars on the landscape that are still visible to the trained eye. Now a UMaine geologist wants to share with the public the scientifically and historically significant evidence of the deglaciation trail.     To access the complete UMaine Today […]

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Revenge as a Motive for War

Humans are the only animals that enter conflicts seeking an eye for an eye. Indeed, lethal revenge is not a useful evolutionary adaptation, argues University of Maine anthropologist Paul Roscoe. While revenge as a motive for war can be found throughout history, in today’s thermonuclear age the result can be annihilation.   To access the […]

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Fluctuations of Dry Valleys Lakes, Antarctica

Fluctuations of Dry Valleys Lakes, Antarctica Brenda Hall, Thomas Whittaker, Katie Faloon and Alex Roy, University of Maine John Stone, Howard Conway and Maurice Conway, University of Washington December 15, 2003 to February 10, 2003   The lakes in the Dry Valleys are closed basin lakes. That is, they have no present outlet to the […]

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Shifting Shorelines

Geologist Joe Kelley has been called “Maine’s coastal conscience.” For 20 years, he has guarded the well-being of the state’s shoreline, championing the policies needed to protect it for future generations.   To access the complete UMaine Today Magazine article, please visit the following website: UMaine Today website

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Prehistoric Health

Anthropologist Kristin Sobolik analyzes biological evidence to understand ancient American societies and the environmental changes they endured. She is part of a scientific team that has advanced the use of DNA analysis on ancient human feces.   To access the complete UMaine Today Magazine article, please visit the following website: UMaine Today website

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The Ice Man

Since his trip to Antarctica in 1968, Paul Mayewski has led more than 35 Antarctic, Arctic and high-mountain expeditions. Clues locked in the ice cores he collects are helping scientists understand climate change.   To access the complete UMaine Today Magazine article, please visit the following website: UMaine Today website

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Hot Spot

Polar glaciologists Gordon Hamilton and Leigh Stearns are using high-tech equipment, including NASA satellite technology, to better measure the magnitude and distribution of changes in the Greenland ice sheet.   To access the complete UMaine Today Magazine article, please visit the following website: UMaine Today website

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