
Beartooth Mtn Expedition

Beartooth Mountains 2017

Beartooth Mountains 2017 UNDERSTANDING AULACOSEIRA ECOLOGY TO REALIZE THE LENTIC RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE Journey to Beartooth Mountains, south central Montana – northwest Wyoming July 5 – August 2, 2017 Field Team: Edna Pedraza Garzón and Benjamin Burpee Background Alpine lakes are considered ideal sensors of climate due to the distinctive and accurate response of […]

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Extracting soil sediments from Sargent Mountain Pond, Acadia National Park

Paleoecology of Plant Communities around Treeline at Maine’s Oldest Pond

Paleoecology of Plant Communities around Treeline at Maine’s Oldest Pond Acadia National Park 2017 Field Team Members: Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, Jacquelyn Gill, Katherine Glover, Ben Burpee, Abe Miller-Rushing (Acadia National Park) Research Location: Acadia National Park September 26-30, 2017 Funding Support: David H. Smith Fellowship Sargent Mountain Pond in Acadia National Park has the distinction […]

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The Westwind II Expedition: South Georgia 2017

The Westwind II Expedition: South Georgia 2017 Field Science Team Members: Mariusz Potocki, Charles Rodda, – Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, USA; Jone Mungia – Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile; Skip Novak – Pelagic Australis, Cape Town, South Africa   On October 2017, two CCI graduate student researchers, Charles Rodda and Marius (Mario) Potocki, and a […]

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2007 – 2008 US ITASE Field Report Paul Andrew Mayewski, Gordon Hamilton (University of Maine) Brian Welch (St. Olaf College) Introduction: US ITASE is foremost a scientific endeavor that seeks to collect the highest quality scientific data under the safest and most efficient conditions possible.  It has been operating successfully as a traverse platform since […]

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Archaeological Investigations of the Quebrada Manga, Peru

Archaeological Exploration of the Cotahuasi Highlands, Southern Peru Kurt Rademaker (CCI), David Reid (Anthropology Dept.) Project setup.  Kurt writes: Before Dave and I can even think about the canyon survey itself, we have to deal with some serious logistical issues.  We are setting out to spend three weeks backpacking and documenting archaeological sites within a […]

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Glacial History and Paleoclimate in Patagonia, Chile

Glacial History and Paleoclimate in Patagonia (Southern South America) during the LGM and Termination of the Last Glacial Cycle Juan Luis Garcia, Climate Change Institute Patagonia is an amazing natural region located in the southern cone of South America. Although the Southern Andes are deprived of those tremendous five or six thousand m a.s.l. peaks […]

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The Interactive Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation & Temperature on Pelagic Food Webs

Beartooth Mountains – Wyoming/Montana The Interactive Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation & Temperature on Pelagic Food Webs Jasmine Saros, Courtney Wigdahl July 2007, August 2007 The objective of this research is to understand how temperature and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) influence the impact of UV on food webs in lakes. We argue that climate change […]

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East Greenland Exp 2007

GPS Measurements of fast flowing glaciers in East Greenland

GPS Measurements of fast flow in East Greenland Gordon Hamilton, Leigh Stearns, UMaine Meredith Nettles, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory June 29, to July 7, July 22 to 30, and August 20 to 28th 2007   6/29/07 Meredith Nettles (LDEO), Gordon and I arrived in Tasiilaq this morning.  We spent the day locating and organizing our […]

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A joint Brazilian-Chilean-USA expedition at Detroit Plateau Antarctic Peninsula

A joint Brazilian-Chilean-USA expedition at Detroit Plateau Antarctic Peninsula Glaciological and Atmospheric Studies This field work is part of CASA English Climate of the Antarctic and South America (CASA): Joint Brazilian-Chilean-US ice core drilling on the Detroit Plateau, Antarctic Peninsula Español Clima de Antártica y Sud-América (CASA) Extracción conjunta Brasil-Chile-Estados Unidos de testigo de hielo […]

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