The Institute’s internationally recognized researchers are making scientific contributions that are vitally relevant to society. These contributions include:
Earth’s climate is controlled by multiple factors and these factors can change in relative importance over time.
Dramatic natural changes in climate have seriously affected humans and ecosystems and have occurred in less than a human lifetime.
Dramatic change in the chemistry of the atmosphere has occurred over the last century due to human activity.
Changes Through Time.
An Early South American Fishing Settlement.
Shoreline Response to Sea-level Rise.
High Elevation Ice Cores Record Natural and Anthropogenic Changes in the Background Atmosphere.
Archaeology and the Bull Brook Site.
Diet, DNA, and Sex Determination.
Hunting with Fire: Women, Foraging and the Ecosystem.
Changing Patterns in Growing Seasons.
Terrestrial Background and Application to Arsia Mons Lobate Deposit, Mars.
Recent African Climate Anomalies & Links to Rift Valley Fever.
Patterns of Radical & Continuous Change Since the End of the Last Glacial Period.
The Weather of 1785: A Case Study.
Humans Move Tremendous Amounts of Earth Annually.
Hyper-arid Desert Coast Once Supported Significant Farming During Prehistoric and Historic Times.
Ecological Change in Remote, High-Elevation Lakes.
Prioritizing Actions at the Intersection of Our Changing Land and Seascapes.
Unveiling the Volcanic Component of Climate Forcing.
Immense change in the extent and volume of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has occurred over the past 20,000 years and may be ongoing.
Lakes in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica have fluctuated dramatically over the past 30,000 years.
The polar ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are the least explored reservoirs of water on the planet and might be contributing to global sea level rise as they change size and shape.