2004 Expeditions

Tasman Glacier NZ 2004 Exp

Ice Cores from the upper Tasman Glacier, New Zealand

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Ice Cores from the upper Tasman Glacier, New Zealand Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Sharon Sneed, and Susan Kaspari, UMaine Use Morgenstern, Julian Thomson, Institute of Geology and Nuclear Sciences, Wellington,…
Moraines East Greenland Exp 2004

Late-Glacial Chronology of Moraines in East Greenland

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Late-Glacial Chronology of Moraines in East Greenland Thomas Lowell (University of Cincinnatti) Meredith Kelly (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) Brenda Hall (University of Maine) August 14, 2004 to August 31, 2004 After…

North Maine Woods Expedition

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North Maine Woods Expeditions Bertrand Pelletier (University of Maine) June and July, 2004 June: The primary objectives for the month of June were logistical in nature.   The North Maine…

Collecting Live Blue Mussels, Greenland

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Collecting Live Blue Mussels, Greenland: Aquaculture Based Calibration in Greenland Karl Kreutz, Hal Borns, Doug ‘Cap’ Introne, Alan Wanamaker, Zach von Hassein, University of Maine Svend Funder, Copenhagen July 10,…

Land and Sea Level Changes in Ireland

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Land and Sea Level Changes in Ireland Joseph Kelly and Daniel Belknap, University of Maine Sam Kelley, Undergraduate Student Andrew Cooper, University of Ulster June 16, 2004 to June 27,…

Archaeological Excavation – Alca, Peru

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Archaeological Excavation – Alca, Peru Dan Sandweiss and Kurt Rademaker, CCI James Hagerman, Ben Morris and Louis Fortin, University of Maine Michael Malpass (Ithaca College) Adan Umire, Oswaldo Chozo May…

Dynamics of the Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica

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Dynamics of the Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica Andrei Kurbatov, Leigh Stearns, Vandy Blue Spikes John Moore, University of Lapland January 10, 2004 to February 20, 2004 An earlier award…