
Climate Reanalyzer data cited by This is Money

This is Money, an affiliation of the Daily Mail, cited a data visualization from the University of Maine Climate Change Institute’s Climate Reanalyzer. The global average temperature was at its highest level on record for Thursday, Jan. 18, at 13.1 C.

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WSJ interviews UMaine archeologist on ancient civilizations – D. Sandweiss

The Wall Street Journal interviewed University of Maine professor of anthropology and climate studies Daniel Sandweiss on the legitimacy of an advanced ancient civilization discussed in a documentary. Sandweiss and other researchers have said evidence doesn’t exist for the civilization in “Ancient Apocalypse” and have rebutted its claim as a factual documentary. 

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The UAE Consensus – Misleading & Underachieving By Natalie Nowatzke, J.D. Candidate 2024, University of Maine School of Law  December 13, 2023  As soon as I landed in Toronto, my layover between Dubai and Boston, I started receiving notification after notification on my phone. A deal had been reached at COP28, resulting in what is […]

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Seasonal Climate Trends across the Wild Blueberry Barrens of Maine, USA – Atmosphere, volume 13(5), 690 (2022) – Rafa Tasnim, Sean Birkel, Lily Calderwood, Samuel Roberts, Yong-Jiang Zhang

Atmosphere, volume 13(5), 690 (2022)   Abstract Wild blueberries in Maine, USA are facing threats from our changing climate. While summer climate variations have been affecting this important commercial crop directly, significant climate variations in other seasons also can be potentially detrimental to blueberry production. Therefore, we analyzed annual and seasonal climate trends (temperature, […]

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A photo of the sunset in Dubai

The UAE Consensus – Misleading & Underachieving

By Natalie Nowatzke, J.D. Candidate 2024, University of Maine School of Law  December 13, 2023  As soon as I landed in Toronto, my layover between Dubai and Boston, I started receiving notification after notification on my phone. A deal had been reached at COP28, resulting in what is called the UAE Consensus. The COP Presidency […]

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A photo of flags outside the COP28 conference

The Global Stocktake Just Enough to Avert Freefall

As you may recall, the negotiations at COP28 circled around two important concepts – the 1.5°C target and the attachment to fossil fuels.  Negotiations on these items already seemed intractable at the beginning of the week.  Then, a letter from OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) leaked, and the drama boiled over.  The letter […]

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A high seas treaty may not be as UNCLOS as it seems

Dec 11, 2023 By Geetanjali Talpade, JD Candidate ‘24, University of Maine School of Law Both domestic and international environmental laws, while relatively recently conceived (the first major U.S. legislation, the National Environmental Policy Act, was passed in 1970), overall pre-date the common modern understanding of climate change. Environmental activism has historically focused on preservation […]

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