
UMaine report cited in BDN article on global climate talks

The University of Maine report, “Maine’s Climate Future: 2015 Update,” was cited in the Bangor Daily News article, “Why the global climate talks matter to Maine.” This week, world leaders have convened in France for the 2015 U.N. Climate Change Conference with a goal of reaching an agreement about how they can reduce greenhouse gas […]

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Maine Ice Age Trail map, app featured in Ellsworth American

The Ellsworth American reported on “Maine’s Ice Age Trail: Down East, Map and Guide,” which is available in print and as an iPhone app. The map was developed, in part, in 2006 by Hal Borns, professor emeritus of glacial and quaternary geology and founder of the University of Maine Climate Change Institute. The map shows […]

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Slate quotes Gill in article on Paris climate talks, fate of oceans

Jacquelyn Gill, a palaeoecologist at the University of Maine, was quoted in the Slate article, “Remember the Oceans! The most important consequence of the Paris climate talks will be the fate of the oceans.” More than 140 world leaders, including President Obama, are meeting in Paris for a two-week conference on climate change, according to […]

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Sandweiss cited in Hakai Magazine article

University of Maine archaeologist Dan Sandweiss talked with Hakai Magazine for an article titled “The Civilizing Power of Nature” that indicates extreme weather 05 have created opportunities for radical transformation of Peruvian coastal life. While studying ancient societies along the Peruvian coast, Sandweiss found evidence that El Niño 05 have spurred the rise of the […]

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Sandweiss quoted in ScienceNews article, earliest New World settlers

Daniel Sandweiss, a professor of anthropology and Quaternary and climate studies at the University of Maine, was quoted in a ScienceNews article about earliest New World settlers. Researchers have discovered 39 stone artifacts in Monte Verde, Chile, nine of which date to between at least 18,500 and 17,000. The discovery challenges a popular view in […]

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Mayewski to be presented with 2016 Hans Oeschger Medal

The European Geosciences Union is honoring Paul Mayewski for his achievements in ice research and climatic change. In April, the director of the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine will receive a 2016 Hans Oeschger Medal in Vienna, Austria. The EGU Division on Climate: Past, Present & Future established the medal in recognition […]

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I. Fernandez appointed chair of the Secondary NAAQS Review Panel for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur, a panel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee

  Ivan Fernandez, a professor of soil science who studies the biogeochemistry of ecosystems, has been appointed chair of the Secondary NAAQS Review Panel for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur, a panel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). He was appointed to CASAC earlier this year. Under the […]

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Nature quotes Gill in article on networking

Jacquelyn Gill, a palaeoecologist at the University of Maine, was quoted in a Nature article on the positive and negative effects conferences and networking can have on career development. Conferences can offer many opportunities for early-career scientists to meet mentors and collaborators, as well as impress potential employers, according to the article. But bad behavior, […]

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To protect ecosystems, Gill says start with largest inhabitants – J. Gill

The extinction of mammoths, ground sloths and other large plant-eaters thousands of years ago triggered shifts in global habitats and changes in ecosystems, says University of Maine paleoecologist Jacquelyn Gill. The assistant professor in the School of Biology and Ecology and the Climate Change Institute says fossils and other records from the deep past provide […]

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