
Atacama Desert Exp 2010

Atacama Desert of South America

Atacama Desert of South America Desert Resource Management and Punctuated Environmental Change Greg Zaro & Alissa Dubois (text written by Alissa Dubois) The Cola de Zorro archaeological site between the Ilo and Tambo River valleys on the Southern Peruvian coast is situated in what is now one of the driest landscapes on Earth (Figure 1). […]

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Kahiltna Glacier Exp 2010

Modeling energy balance and melt layer formation on the Kahiltna Glacier, Alaska

Kahiltna Glacier, Alaska – Denali National Park Modeling energy balance and melt layer formation on the Kahiltna Glacier, Alaska Dom Winski, Seth Campbell, Karl Kreutz A pressing scientific issue in glaciology is assessing the impact of climate change on glacier mass balance, local hydrology, and sea level rise.  To address this issue, a detailed physical […]

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Tupungatito Exp 2010

High-Elevation Ice Core Reconnaissance on Tupungatito Caldera Glacier

Tupungatito Caldera Glacier, Central Andes High-Elevation Ice Core Reconnaissance on Tupungatito Caldera Glacier, Central Andes, Chile Paul A. Mayewski, Gino Casassa, Gonzalo and Sebastian Camps, Daniel Dixon, Daniel Frye, Bjorn Grigholm, Andrei V. Kurbatov, Michael Morrison, Mario Potocki. (With indispensable assistance of local Arrieros: Fernando, Ismael, Marcelino and Antonio) The high elevation glaciers of the […]

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NZ Southern Alps Exp 2010

Glacier History of the New Zealand Southern Alps

Glacier History of the New Zealand Southern Alps Personnel: George H. Denton Graduate students:  Aaron E. Putnam (Ph.D. candidate), Kathryn L. Ladig (M.S. student), Alice M. Doughty (M.S., now at Victoria University of Wellington), Samuel E. Kelley (M.S., now at University of Buffalo) Collaborators:  Dr. Joerg M. Schaefer (Columbia University), Dr. Michael R. Kaplan (Columbia […]

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Holocene Behavior of Local Ice Caps in East Greenland

Holocene Behavior of Local Ice Caps in East Greenland Brenda Hall, Amanda Lusas August 2010 The Greenland Ice Sheet as well as the rest of the Arctic cryosphere is currently undergoing rapid and dynmaic changes in concert with global warming. However, one unresolved question is whether these changes are unique to the current climate conditions […]

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Pucuncho Basin 2010 Exp

Glacial Geology and Archaeology in the Pucuncho Basin, Peruvian Andes

Pucuncho Basin, Peruvian Andes Glacial Geology and Archaeology in the Pucuncho Basin, Peruvian Andes Kurt Rademaker and Gordon Bromley, Kristen Gardella (UPenn), Peter Leach and David Reid (J. A. Milner & Associates), Jesse Wertheim and Owen McGlamery (UMaine undergraduates). June 1-August 23, 2010 Project Summary The timing and process of the initial settlement of high […]

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