Institute Sponsors

The Climate Change Institute gratefully acknowledges the following supporters of CCI research.

Foundations & Private Funds

Bingham Trust Fund
Bonbright Family Foundation
Brown Family Fund
Dan & Betty Churchill Exploration Fund
Comer Family Foundation
Russell Grinnell Memorial Trust
Heinz Endowments
George L. Jacobson, Jr. Quaternary and Climate Studies Fund
Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust
W.M. Keck Foundation
National Science Foundation
The Sophron Foundation
Robert & Judith Sturgis Family Foundation


Individual Donors

Douglas C. Baston

Richard B. Burrill

Katharine D. Carlson in memory of her father, John Dearborn

Patricia Cummings

Jane Dewitt in memory of her father, Paul Siple

Brenda C. Garrand

Barbara W. Gokcen, M.D.

Muharrem Gokcen, M.D., Ph.D.

Kimberly Holliday

Douglas V. Hoyt

Myron Hoyt

James R. Hynson

Susan Gerrish Hynson

Jon T. Lightner

Mary Cimillo Lightner

John Mahon

Jill P. McMahon

Frank P. Morrison

Gregory A. Netland

Joan Netland

Susan and Kevin O’Hara

Bernhard Pfeiff

Jean-Pierre Ple

David W. C. Putnam

Yvette Putnam

Stephen H. Smith

Susan Percival Speers

Donald Suzenski

Priscilla Doyon Wilcox

Robert E. Wilcox

Mark A. Wumkes