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The age of climate decision is here, and our actions will define the course of civilization and the health of our planet. Paul Mayewski, Director, Climate Change Institute
Civilization is in a race against time to understand the workings of our climate system and the economic, social and environmental impact it will have on our collective future.
The Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine is internationally-recognized as one of the world’s preeminent climate research centers. The Institute has a long history of unique field explorations into highly remote regions; explorations that have resulted in major contributions to scientific knowledge concerning the physical, chemical, biological and social implications of past, present and future climate.
These contributions have produced major shifts in the understanding and implications of climate science and created significantly-enhanced capabilities for predicting the Earth’s future climate. The ramifications of these predictive models will be felt in virtually every sector of our worldwide economy and every thread of our social fiber.
In addition to world-renowned research, the Institute is proud to offer truly unique opportunities to UMaine’s graduate and undergraduate students. Through the extraordinary expedition programs, state-of-the-art research and laboratory facilities, students receive hands-on learning opportunities largely non-existent at other institutions. These students gain knowledge and skills necessary to address many of our planet’s current and future climate challenges.