Sarah Ebel
External Associate – Climate Change Institute
Assistant Professor, Idaho State University
Dr. Sarah Ebel is a cultural anthropologist who specializes in studying the intersection between governance, adaptation, and social change, analyzing the relationships between individuals, institutions, and the ecosystem at different scales in marine socio-ecological systems undergoing environmental change. Her work focuses on understanding opportunities for the transformation of governance and adaptation in a rapidly changing oceanscape in southern Chile. She is also research personnel on a National Science Foundation EPSCoR grant, “Genes to the Environment: Modeling, Mechanisms, and Mapping (GEM3) at Idaho State where she examines the adaptive capacity of socio-ecological systems in Idaho. Through these research programs, she seeks to understand the complex factors which facilitate or impede individual and institutional adaptation in communities dependent upon natural resources. Her intention with this work is to inform environmental governance and adaptation pathways to achieve resilient socio-ecological systems.
Outside of work, she spends most of her time outside with her husband, daughter, and dogs, and is an avid fly fisherman, mountain biker, and gardener. Dr. Ebel received her Ph.D. from the University of Maine in Anthropology and Environmental Policy. She loves working with students, and if you are undergraduate or graduate student interested in environmental anthropology, environmental policy, Latin America, the Western USA, and natural resource management, please feel free to reach out.