Lauren Woods

Faculty Advisor:  Dr. Aaron Putnam

Office Location:  228 Bryand Global Science Center, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04473


Biographical Statement: I received my B.S. in Earth and Climate Sciences from University of Maine in 2021. During my undergraduate career I worked as a field assistant for Wolfden Resources Corporation and a laboratory assistant for Dr. Aaron Putnam and Dr. Katherine Allen. As a field assistant I collected soil samples, logged bedrock cores, and assisted with preparing samples for P-XRF analysis. I worked in the UMaine Cosmogenic Isotope Laboratory with Dr. Putnam, processing samples for 10Be dating from Antarctica, Nepal, New Zealand, Mongolia, and Eastern Tibet. I also worked in the Paleoceanography Laboratory with Dr. Allen, conducting sediment analysis for the Maine Department of Marine Resources. For my capstone and undergraduate thesis I worked with Dr. Putnam to construct a 10Be chronology of moraines at June Lake, Sierra Nevada, California. I am now a M.S. student and Comer Fellow, under the advisement of Dr. Putnam.


Research Area: My research is focused on constructing a 10Be chronology of moraines deposited during the Last Glaciation at Soda Lake in the Wind River Range, Wyoming. The overarching goal of this research is to gain insight into the synchronicity of full glacial conditions, millennial scale fluctuations, and the timing of the Last Glacial Termination between hemispheres.