Karl Kreutz
Address: 236 Sawyer Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469
My primary research interest is the Earth’s climate history, and specifically the mechanisms responsible for spatial and temporal patterns of Late Holocene climate variability. Much of my work focuses on atmospheric and hydrologic dynamics in high-latitude and high-elevation regions through a combination of modern process studies and ice core recovery and analysis. Current projects include high-resolution climate reconstructions in the Arctic (St. Elias Mountains and the Alaska Range), the Antarctic (the Dry Valleys region and West Antarctica), and Asia (the Tien Shan, Altai, and Himalayan Ranges). I also use the isotopic composition of marine and fresh water carbonates as a Late Holocene paleoclimate proxy in the New England/Gulf of Maine region. My main research tools are gas-source isotope ratio and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers housed in the Stable Isotope Laboratory and ICP-MS Facility.