Jonathan Maurer

Graduate Research Assistant

Faculty Advisor:  Dr. Seth Campbell

Office Location: 300E Bryand Global Science Center, University of Maine, Orono, Maine

Biographical Statement:  I graduated from the University of Maine in 2020 with degrees in both Oceanography and Climate Science. Studying the Earth from these perspectives has made me realize how critical each part of the system truly is. From global scale circulation patterns to localized changes in environmental conditions, each piece is fascinating in its own unique way. This interest led me to pursue a master’s degreee in the School of Earth and Climate Science at the University of Maine with Dr. Seth Campbell. The bulk of my master’s degree has been focused on studying controls on the health of mountain glaciers that act as water towers for communities across the world.

Research Area:  My research interests lie in the large scale interconnections within the climate system. Specifically, I am interested in attempting to quantify these relationships in the present and understand potential changes in the past and future. This interest has taken me through research topics in paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, physical oceanography, and glaciology. Currently, my focus is on applying machine learning methods to GPR derived datasets in order to understand the distribution and characteristics of firn in coastal Alaska.

