
Meteorological Controls on Snow Accumulation, St. Elias Mountains

Meteorological Controls on Snow Accumulation, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada Alan Wanamaker and Zachary Von Hassein June 8 – June 27, 2005 The Arctic represents one of the key regions on Earth in our efforts to document and understand global change. The sensitivity of the Arctic to climate perturbations and the wealth of paleoenvironmental […]

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Ice Cores from Mt. Logan, Yukon Territory, Canada

Ice Cores from Mt. Logan, Yukon Territory, Canada Erich Osterberg, Gerald Holdsworth (University of Calgary), Steve Bartolo May 1 to June 15, 2005 We intend to collect ice cores and snow pit samples, and install weather stations on Mt. Logan, Yukon, Canada, in order to investigate the climate history of the North Pacific over the […]

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Point of Origin

Graduate student Kurt Rademaker struck anthropological gold last summer. High in the Peruvian Andes, he discovered prehistoric quarries of obsidian, the volcanic glass used in toolmaking. His discovery could be the key to understanding how humans settled South America.   To access the complete UMaine Today Magazine article, please visit the following website: UMaine Today […]

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Glacial history and climate reconstruction, Patagonia

Glacial history and climate reconstruction, Patagonia George Denton and Marcus Vandergoes, UMaine Jorge Strelin, Ushuia, Argentina March 16 to April 20, 2005 The goals of this project are to produce detailed records of glacier recession during the last deglaciation and Holocene. Mapping and sampling of glacial deposits around Lago Argentina and the Upsala Glacier will […]

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Abrupt Climate Change, Patagonia

Abrupt Climate Change, Patagonia Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Erich Osterberg, Daniel Dixon, UMaine Charles Porter, Patagonia Research Foundation and UMaine Mike Ellis and Scott Mason, Stonehaven Productions, Canada February 20 to March 22, 2005 Research conducted by Climate Change Institute members in Antarctica over the past few years has resulted in new theories concerning the […]

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Solar Power

A team led by University of Maine scientists has reported finding a potential link between changes in solar activity and the Earth’s climate.  In a paper for the Annals of Glaciology, Paul Mayewski, director of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute, and 11 colleagues from China, Australia and Maine describe evidence from ice cores pointing to an […]

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Glacial history and climate reconstruction from the South Island, New Zealand

Glacial history and climate reconstruction, South Island, New Zealand George Denton, Marcus Vandergoes, Ann Dieffenbacher-Krall January 15 to Feb. 28, 2005 The main objectives of our trip to New Zealand this summer was (1) to develop a standard taxonomy of New Zealand chironomid types, (2) complete outstanding modern sample collection for our chironomid research, (3) […]

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Late Quaternary History of Reedy Glacier, Antarctica

Late Quaternary History of Reedy Glacier, Antarctica Claire Todd, John Stone, Howard Conway, and Maurice Conway (UWashington) December 15, 2004 – February 1, 2005 We will reconstruct the level of Reedy Glacier, in the far southern Transantarctic Mountains, from the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) through to the present day. Because the grounding line has not […]

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Tasman Glacier NZ 2004 Exp

Ice Cores from the upper Tasman Glacier, New Zealand

Ice Cores from the upper Tasman Glacier, New Zealand Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Sharon Sneed, and Susan Kaspari, UMaine Use Morgenstern, Julian Thomson, Institute of Geology and Nuclear Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand Shichang Kang and Zinsheng Gao, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Lisa Taylor, Dino Congonidis and Mike Ellis, Stonehaven Productions, […]

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