News & Media

Pen Bay Pilot reports on launch of ‘Why Climate Change Matters’ website

The Penobscot Bay Pilot picked up a University of Maine news release announcing the launch of a new website, “Why Climate Change Matters To Your Security, Health & Wealth.” The site includes concise talking points intended to enhance public understanding of the threats posed by climate change, and actions that must be taken to mitigate […]

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New study finds seabird response to abrupt climate change 5,000 years ago transformed island ecosystems in the Falklands – D. Groff, J. Gill

A rookery of black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) nest at a windy, exposed tussac grassland on West Point Island, Falkland Islands.Dulcinea Groff New study finds seabird response to abrupt climate change 5,000 years ago transformed island ecosystems in the Falklands October 23, 2020 The Falkland Islands are a South Atlantic refuge for some of the world’s […]

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BDN editorial on climate change cites Leahy, Birkel

A Bangor Daily News editorial cited the participation of Jessica Leahy, a University of Maine professor of human dimensions of natural resources, and Sean Birkel, Maine state climatologist and research assistant professor with UMaine’s Climate Change Institute, in an online forum sponsored by the newspaper. The discussion, one in an ongoing conversation focused on climate […]

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CNN interviews A. More about How Climate Change Affects Covid-19

How Climate Change Affects Covid-19 Can climate change make pandemics worse? CNN’s Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir talks to Alexander More, Assistant Research Professor at the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, about how a years-long cold weather anomaly worsened the 1918 pandemic, and what that means for us as we head in […]

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Permafrost, A Time Capsule from the Ice Age, Is Thawing – NPR – J. Gill   As climate change continues to raise temperatures worldwide, the arctic is warming even faster than the rest of the world. Today, we take a look at the unique arctic terrain that is under threat from climate change: the permafrost. This frozen landscape is defined by deep layers of soil that never get above […]

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Vaclava Hazukova received award from Society for Freshwater Science.

Vaclava Hazukova—third-year PhD student in Jasmine Saros’ lab—received additional financial support for her research of phytoplankton seasonal dynamics in Arctic lakes from the Society for Freshwater Science (SFS). General endowments from SFS are distributed yearly to 10-20 students—funding novel and exciting research in any area of freshwater science. Here is a list of students that were granted […]

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