News Archive

Climate-Driven Change in Ice-Free Areas of Greenland – Northington

KAIRN (Kangerlussuaq International Research Network) 2nd Annual Meeting; Acadia National Park, Maine, 4–7 05 2016 The Arctic is experiencing some of the most intense effects of climate change, with southwest Greenland seeing the most rapid warming (about 3°C during the past 7 years). Although loss of ice from the island is an important area of […]

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STEM education in the ice age – Borns

Thirty Maine middle school and high school teachers were at the Schoodic Institute 09 . 23–25 to learn more about the state’s ice age trail, and how its history and evidence across the landscape could make Earth science lessons come alive. The teachers were joined by researchers from the Maine Center for Research in STEM […]

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Mayewski profiled in Press Herald piece on Maine’s Arctic experts

Paul Mayewski, director of the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute, was featured in the Portland Press Herald article, “Meet Maine’s Arctic experts.” Mayewski is one of several presenters scheduled to speak at the Maine-Arctic Forum at the University of Southern Maine in Portland. The explorer and scientist has led more than 50 expeditions to […]

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Lyon cited in National Geographic article on climate change, food crisis in Africa

Bradfield Lyon, an associate research professor in climate analysis at the University of Maine, was cited in the National Geographic article, “How climate change is fueling a food crisis in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria.” Across East Africa, farmers are facing persistent rural poverty and food insecurity, according to the article. Rapid population growth — sub-Saharan […]

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UMaine researchers refining Arctic climate history through diatoms

Just above the Arctic Circle, in remote southwestern Greenland, UMaine researchers are seeking to better understand the effects of a changing climate on arctic lakes by looking at one of their smallest inhabitants — Discostella stelligera. The research team conducted a large-scale experiment to test the role of a lake’s thermal structure on populations of […]

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Mayewski to discuss ice melt, adaptation at Maine-Arctic Forum

ORONO, Maine — The director of the University of Maine Climate Change Institute will talk about the Arctic’s changing climate and resulting economic opportunities and geopolitical concerns 10 . 3 at the University of Southern Maine in Portland. Paul Mayewski, who has led expeditions and conducted climate change research in the Arctic and all over […]

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Sandweiss comments on oldest indigo-dyed fabric in Science News article

UMaine archaeologist Daniel Sandweiss, professor of anthropology and climate change, was quoted in a Science News article describing the discovery of the oldest indigo-dyed fabric at the site of Huaca Prieta on Peru’s northern coast. The discovery of 6,000-year-old faded blue fabric places the first use of indigo dye in Peru nearly 1,600 years before […]

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