News Archive

Media cover death of UMaine climate scientist Gordon Hamilton

Media across the state, country and world reported on the death of University of Maine climate scientist Gordon Hamilton, who was killed in Antarctica on when the snowmobile he was riding fell into a 100-foot crevasse. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Daily Mail, Bangor Daily News, Portland Press Herald and local television stations […]

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Leading UMaine researcher perishes in accident in Antarctica

Gordon Hamilton, a University of Maine professor in the School of Earth and Climate Sciences, and a researcher with the Climate Change Institute, died in a field accident 10 . 22 while conducting research in Antarctica. He was 50. Hamilton, a physical glaciologist, was working on White Island in the Ross Archipelago in Antarctica, an […]

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Record early-October warmth across the Arctic – S. Birkel

  The first half of 2016-ober-10 was likely the warmest across the Arctic for this time of year since at least 1948, says Maine’s state climatologist. In the Arctic — 65–90 degrees north latitude — on 10 . 7, 2016, the mean daily temperature averaged a balmy minus 3.5 C (25.7 F), a value that’s […]

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Understanding the ebb and flow of Peru’s glacial past – G. Bromley

Photo Credit: Kim Marteneau, Columbia University Many thousands of years ago, as the world slowly began to thaw at the end of the last ice age, the landscapes of southern Peru were quite different than the ones University of Maine’s Gordon Bromley finds himself wandering about these days. Large domes of ice, blanketing the high […]

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41st Climate Diagnostics Workshop hosted at UMaine – B. Lyon

The Climate Change Institute and School of Earth and Climate Sciences at the University of Maine hosted the 41st Climate Diagnostics Workshop, 10 . 3–6. The workshop, sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was held at the Wells Conference Center. Over 120 U.S. and international climate scientists participated in the workshop, discussing […]

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Climate Reanalyzer featured in Discover blog

The Climate Change Institute’s Climate Reanalyzer was included in an online Discover Magazine blog about smoke from Russian wildfires blowing 3,000 miles east out over the Pacific Ocean. A Climate Reanalyzer graph included with the blog displays Siberia’s long-term upward trend in average temperatures near the surface.

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CCI named in Alaska Dispatch News article about Arctic

The Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine was mentioned in an article in the Alaska Dispatch News about economic opportunities and Maine’s stake in Arctic policy in the face of ice-free shipping lanes in the Arctic. Dana Eidsness, director of the Maine North Atlantic Development Office, said the CCI has been undertaking glacial […]

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CCI director speaks about abrupt Arctic climate change at Maine-Arctic Forum

  CCI director speaks about abrupt Arctic climate change at Maine-Arctic Forum  Paul Mayewski, director of the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute (CCI), participated in the opening panel discussion of the Maine-Arctic Forum held in Portland on 10 . 3. The Maine-Arctic Forum coincided with the intergovernmental Senior Arctic Officials Meeting of the Arctic […]

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UMaine PhD Candidate to Develop Climate Resilience Policy – Miner

WABI (Channel 5) spoke with Kimberley Rain Miner, an Earth and climate sciences Ph.D. student at the University of Maine, about her work developing policy to build climate resilience. For her doctorate, Miner is developing a framework to assess the threat of pesticides — including DDT and other persistent organic pollutants — that for years […]

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