Understanding Alpine Climate in Denali National Park
Expedition Date: JUNE 2018
Field Team Members: Dominic Winski 1, 2, Bess Koffman3, Julianne DeAngelo 2, Victor Cabrera 2, Eleanor Dowd2, Meg Yoder3, and Taylor Methven3.
1. Climate Change Institute, 2. Dartmouth College,
3. Colby College .
Expedition Funding Acknowledgement: Various sources of internal scholarship and research funding from Dartmouth and Colby College.
Acknowledgement: This project is a collaboration with the National Park Service. We were also supported by Talkeetna Air Taxi.
Expedition Report:
The purpose of the expedition was to develop an understanding of alpine meteorology and climate in the Central Alaska Range and the extent to which climate change is affecting glaciological conditions on the Kahiltna Glacier. This year we were collaborating with the National Park Service to install an array of weather stations along the West Buttress climbing route to Denali. We also collected shallow radar data, snowpit chemistry samples, velocity surveys and an aerial structure-from-motion DEM. This field season resulted in the recovery of a 10-year meteorological dataset from Kahiltna Base Camp – the longest alpine meteorological record in the Alaska Range.