Brieanne Berry
Address: South Stevens Hall, #234B
Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Isenhour
I am a PhD student in the Anthropology & Environmental Policy program at the University of Maine, where I study systems of production, consumption, and disposal. I have an M.S. in Urban Affairs from CUNY Hunter College, and a B.A. in Anthropology from The George Washington University. In addition to my academic work, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer (Mali, 2006-2008) and worked for many years in urban sustainability, including projects in energy efficiency, urban forest ecology, environmental education, and waste reduction. I’m interested in connecting knowledge to action, and have a strong commitment to public service.
Research Area:
My dissertation research is focused on the socio-cultural impacts of Maine’s reuse economy, but I broadly study systems of sustainable production, consumption, and disposal. Beyond secondhand economies, I am part of an interdisciplinary research team focused on circular food systems. Waste reduction – including the lifespan extension of material goods – has important climate change implications, and my work seeks to better understand how people engage in practices that reduce the consumption and disposal of material goods.