Alice Kelley
Address: 111 Bryand Global Science Center, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5790
Research Area:
My research interests focus on geoarchaeology, surficial geology, and geomorphology.
My geoarhaeological interests are focussed in four areas.
- Using geology to understand the physical context of archaeological sites. (Maine)
- Using ground-penetrating radar to investigate site extent and stratigraphy (Maine, Canada, Peru)
- Using oceanographic information (bathymetry, side scan sonar, and seismic reflection profiling) to evaluate the cultural resource potential of submerged regions. (Gulf of Maine)
- Investigating the source areas of lithic resources. (Maine)
I have also been involved in surfical mapping as part of the State of Maine’s surfical mapping program (3 quadrangles), and am currently the co-PI of a program to monitor geomorphological features related to dam removal and fish passage construction on the Penobscot River in Maine.