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PhD Dissertation Defense – Benjamin Burpee

138 Sawyer Environmental Research Building 138 Sawyer Env. Res. Building, University of Maine

Assessing the factors that alter ecological responses of cold, oligotrophic lakes to nutrient subsidies PhD Dissertation Defense - Benjamin Burpee 3:30 pm, January 14th 138 Sawyer Hall (Conference Room)

Spatial fingerprint of deglacial temperature change in eastern North America: More than one way to kill a spruce forest – Dr. Jack Williams

200 Nutting Hall

Dr. Jack Williams, UW Madison Thursday, January 30, 2020 4 pm, Nutting 100   The last deglaciation in eastern North America offers a classic system for studying climate-driven forest range dynamics during large and abrupt climate changes, but paleoclimate and paleofire records are surprisingly scarce. In this talk, I will first present new reconstructions of […]


138 Sawyer Environmental Research Building 138 Sawyer Env. Res. Building, University of Maine

CONSERVATION PALEOBIOLOGY ON ACADIA’S MOUNTAINS Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie Second Century Stewardship Fellow University of Maine Monday, February 3, 2020, 12pm 138 Sawyer Conference Room Abstract:  Conservation practitioners depend on accurate assessments of climate change vulnerability in allocating limited resources to protect and steward natural resources. The subalpine plants on Acadia National Park’s open granite ridges have […]
