News & Media

Website Notes UMaine Role in Greenland Research

The website had a story about a recent study, which included UMaine research, that looked at drill cores taken from Greenland’s ice sheet to determine that Earth’s climate is capable of very rapid transitions. UMaine Ph.D. candidate Aaron Putnam contributed research to the project, which was led by Cardiff University in Wales, U.K. The […]

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UMaine Graduate Student’s Research Included in Greenland Project – A. Putnam

University of Maine Ph.D. candidate Aaron Putnam is a member of an international team of scientists who have produced a prediction of what climate records from Greenland might look like over the last 800,000 years and investigation into the possible causes of abrupt climate change. Putnam, a glacial geologist in UMaine’s Department of Earth Sciences […]

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New York Times features Kelley book

Tuesday’s New York Times science section includes a story about “The World’s Beaches: A Global Guide to the Science of the Shoreline.”  Prof. Joe Kelley of the UMaine Dept. of Earth Sciences is one of the book’s four co-authors.  The Times feature also includes a slide show of images related to the book and the […]

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C. Stager’s Deep Future Book – Review, Science (Aug. 2011)

The role of humans on the global stage is the theme of Curt Stager’s Deep Future. Stager (a paleoecologist at Paul Smith’s College, New York) begins by welcoming readers to the Age of Humans (Anthropocene). He immediately follows with words that will discomfit many traditional conservationists: “Welcome to the end of the natural world as […]

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City of Bern Award

On July 25, 2011, Nicole Spaulding was awarded a prize from the City of Bern for the poster she presented at the INQUA 2011.

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UMaine Receives National Climate Leadership Award

ORONO — The University of Maine has received a prestigious national environmental leadership award for its achievement in promoting, researching and teaching green energy and sustainability as part of a 670-institution consortium devoted to reducing carbon emissions and aggressively promoting energy efficiency.

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Mayewski talk available online

Maine Public Radio has posted online a recording of UMaine Prof. Paul Mayewski’s March talk, “Climate Change and the Role of Humans.” The statewide network broadcast the talk last Friday. Mayewski is director of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute.

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Hamilton Comments Included In Scientific American Website Story

UMaine glaciologist Gordon Hamilton was quoted in a story on the Scientific American website about the links between climate change and social collapse of Greenland since 800 B.C. Hamilton commented on more recent ice melt, telling the magazine that the area of the Arctic around Greenland has warmed significantly since the 1990s, and the way […]

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NSF Website Highlights Ice Core Research

The National Science Foundation website Science360 posted a UMaine-produced video featuring students Bess Koffman and Eliza Kane, who are shown melting ice cores stored at UMaine’s Climate Change Institute facility. The cores, which represent about 2,500 years of ice, were from western Antarctica. Koffman is a Ph.D. student in earth science and Kane is an […]

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