Sandweiss featured in American Scientist about grant that kick-started his research career

Daniel Sandweiss, professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Maine, was featured in the November-December 2022 issue of American Scientist, the magazine, published by Sigma Xi Scientific Society, discussing a Grant in Aid of Research (GIAR) that he received almost 40 years ago as a graduate student at Cornell. “The GIAR award allowed me to hire a professional topographer to work with me to create a precision profile across the ridges. The results showed that the ridges did not rise sequentially from shore to interior. This, in turn, helped support my El Niño origin hypothesis. …The GIAR-supported work led to a paper in the inaugural issue of the journal Geoarchaeology and helped launch one of my main streams of research on the prehistory of El Niño,” Sandweiss said.