Alexzander Roman

Faculty Advisor:  Dr. George Denton

Office Location: 228 Bryand Global Science Center, University of Maine, Orono, ME


Biographical Statement:  I did my undergraduate career at the University of Maine. In my Junior year I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to travel to New Zealand to work with George Denton on addressing current problems with our understanding of ice ages and the climate system. I fell in love with the work, the field area, and the questions surrounding the causes for the Last Glacial Maximum. I graduated from the University of Maine in 2021 with a BS in Earth & Climate Sciences and was fortunate enough to earn an NSF fellowship that would enable me to pursue a higher education. I am now currently pursuing a doctorate degree in paleoclimate, working closely with George Denton and Aaron Putnam in our attempt to address the causes for the Last Glacial Maximum and its subsequent deglaciation. 


Research Area:  I am interested in broadening my understanding of the dynamics and inner workings of our climate system. I am currently working towards this by building a glacial chronology in the Wind River Range in Wyoming, USA and the Southern Alps of New Zealand. A large, detailed chronology will help me begin to address and test our current hypotheses for how our climate functioned in the past, and will better help me understand how our climate might respond moving into the future.