Allen an expert source for WVII’s Summit to Shore series

Katherine Allen talked with WVII (Channel 7) for the second part of its Summit to Shore series that focused on the Gulf of Maine, which is warming faster than 99% of the world’s oceans. The assistant professor in the School of Earth and Climate Sciences and Climate Change Institute studies the ocean’s history by analyzing fossils that build up in sediment over time on the ocean floor. “I analyze those fossils to learn what the ocean used to be like,” she says. By understanding how climate has historically impacted the Gulf of Maine, researchers can build climate models to better predict what might happen next. “We know it’s [the ocean] taken up a lot of heat in recent decades, from direct observations. It’s also taken up a lot of C02. So, if the ocean hadn’t taken up as much CO2 as it has, then there would be even more in the atmosphere right now, so the ocean is doing us a big favor.”