BDN quotes Mayewski in article on climate change skeptic group’s mailing campaign
Paul Mayewski, director of the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute, spoke with the Bangor Daily News for the article, “Climate change skeptic group’s mailing campaign targets Maine teachers.” Last week, thousands of science teachers across the nation, including several in Maine, received mail from an organization trying to convince them that scientists are split on the science of global climate change, according to the article.
“It’s a pathetic attempt at trying to sway some people’s minds,” Mayewski said. “There’s a tremendous amount of misinformation.” The mail, which includes a book and DVD, came from the Heartland Institute, a libertarian think tank that wades into debates such as education reform, health care, hydrofracking and climate change, the article states. Mayewski said teachers should consider comparing Heartland’s claims with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. He said the IPCC report was based on the findings of thousands of climate scientists, had 500 authors and has been thoroughly vetted through peer review.