An Exemplar to Watch – Paul Andrew Mayewski – WORLD OCEAN Observatory

Paul Andrew Mayewski, Professor & Director of The Climate Change Institute , is passionate about climate change and changes in the chemistry of the atmosphere. An intrepid explorer, he has led expeditions to collect scientific core samples from Antarctica, the Arctic, the Andes, New Zealand, the Himalayas, and the Tibetan Plateau. Paul is Professor and Director of the Climate Change Institute in Orono, Maine and has written extensively on atmospheric chemistry, ice loss, abrupt climate change events, human impacts on climate, and recently co-authored “Journey Into Climate – Adventure, Exploration and the Unmasking of Human Innocence” (2011, with M.C. Morrison.) He is a leader in his field; his scientific achievements are too numerous to mention, and his passion for developing understanding of the multiple controls placed on climate is both infectious and inspiring.


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