Gregory T. Cushman Lecture – Megaeruption of the Unknown Volcano of 1808-1809: An exact date and location, environmental and cultural implications.

The lecture by Gregory Cushman on “Megaeruption of the Unknown Volcano of 1808-1809” originally scheduled for next Monday at 4 pm has been postponed due to speaker’s illness.


Through his research, Cushman has identified a volcanic eruption that resulted in climatic implications worldwide in the early 1800s. Although this event was documented in historical literature  and  scientific evidence of the event exists, until now the location of the volcano was not known. Using direct historical atmospheric observations in Latin America, three expeditions to the site of the volcano, a survey of geological and ethnohistorical literature, analysis of stratospheric wind vectors that would have influenced the deposition of volcanic debris, and evidence of the eruption from ice core analysis have allowed him to be the first to identify the actual site of the volcano. Cushman will present his groundbreaking research findings on the volcano and its impact.

Sponsored by the Cultural Affairs/Distinguished Lecture Series Committee, Climate Change Institute, School of Marine Sciences, Anthropology Department, Graduate School and Hudson Museum.

Poster Announcement