Ice in Fire: Frozen Climate Records Inside A South American Volcano- Tupungatito Expedition 2012 (TE2012) – Mayewski

 A team of scientists from the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute is currently on an expedition in Chilé, traveling to the Tupungatito Glacier, located in a volcanic crater at an elevation of 19,000 feet in the Andes Mountains.  The expedition team, which we call TE2012, is comprised of members from the Climate Change Institute (CCI) at the University of Maine (field leader Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Bjorn Grigholm, Mariusz Potocki, Dan Dixon, Michael Morrison and Mike Waskiewicz) and members of the Centro de Estudios Cientifocs (CECS) from Valdivia, Chile (field leaders Gino Casassa and Rodrigo Zamora, Alejandro Neira, Ivan Clauvero and Francisco Gonzalez).

This blog post is the first of a series of entries Paul Mayewski, director of the Climate Change Institute and Bjorn Grigholm, a Ph.D. student in Earth Science at UMaine, will be sending back via satellite phone from the field.

*The CCI component of the Tupungatito Expedition is supported by a generous gift from the Garrand Family of Portland, Maine.


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