“Remember Me” Photography Exhibition and Lifetime Achievement Award – Dr. Harold Borns, Jr.

Congratulations to Hal Borns 

Dr. Harold Borns, Jr., PhD has been selected by the Maine Health Care Association for its “Remember Me” photography exhibition and Lifetime Achievement Award, placing a human face on long term care.  Hal will be honored at the State House in Augusta on April 15th, 2011.


Remember ME:

One of MHCA’s most popular programs, the Remember ME project features the black and white photographs, accompanied by brief biographies, of pioneering, innovative and interesting residents living in Maine’s long term care facilities. The annual event is kicked off with a recognition ceremony during which MHCA presents residents with Certificates of Lifetime Achievement. Since the project’s inception, MHCA has honored residents with historically significant backgrounds; unique or interesting accomplishments either while living in the facility or prior to admission; and those who have served community, state or country through volunteerism, civic organizations or US military. The event is specifically held in the Hall of Flags at the State House in Augusta, a location that serves to remind legislators and the public that state house decisions have a local impact on human lives.

The photographic tribute is a way of remembering resident contributions and saying thank you. They look for pioneering, innovative residents who meet any of the following criteria:

* Residents with historically significant backgrounds;

* Residents who have had unique or interesting accomplishments either while living in the facility or prior to admission;

* Residents who have overcome either personal or health-related obstacles to achieve;

* Residents who have served community, state or country (through volunteerism, civic organizations or US military); OR

* Residents who are considered pillars of the local community.


Nomination Letter