Conclusions of the 6 April 1990 GRIP/ GISP2 Steering Committee Meeting
held at the Geophysical Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

In attendance:  
	D.  Dahl-Jensen		W.  Dansgaard		R.  Delmas
	H.  Clausen		P.  Grootes		N.  Gundestrup
	C.  Hammer		P.  Mayewski		J.  Steffensen
	P.  Wilkniss		H.  Zimmerman
	Comments by B.  Stauffer included

In the spirit of cooperation and with the understanding that with fuller cooperation the quality of the science developed from deep drilling in Greenland will be enhanced the members of the GISP2 and GRIP Steering Committees who participated in the meeting suggest the following:

  1. A joint GRIP/GISP2 workshop should be held in late October of 1991. As implied by the designation workshop this meeting would be an opportunity for comparing data and jointly evolving interpretations. To facilitate the planning of this workshop one member from each of the Steering Committees will be chosen and the planning for the workshop will be left largely to these two individuals. C. Hammer and P. Mayewski volunteered to represent their Steering Committees and if approved will begin discussions this summer.
  2. A jointly evolved chronology for the entire length of both cores is essential to the success of both drilling programs and to the success of the intercomparisons necessary between both cores. In order to assure that the records developed from GRIP and GISP2 are consistent and comparable the following steps will be taken:
    1. Routine (e.g. every 7-14 days) comparisons of hard-copy ECM records will be made in the field in order to identify marker horizons.
    2. If requested by the Chief Scientist from either GISP2 or GRIP every effort will be made to provide exchange of samples for oxygen isotope analysis and other necessary properties to enhance dating calibration.
    3. Every effort will be made to actively investigate other data comparisons and/or sample exchanges that could lead to better common dating control.
  3. In the event that either of the drilling programs were to be unable to recover core after having made significant attempts both Steering Committees would attempt, in good faith, to develop a program of sample sharing that would be intended not to compromise the science plan of the programs still capable of recovering core, but rather to strengthen the resultant science by incorporating the scientific capabilities of the program. It appears that 70% of each core will not be sampled in the field, therefore, portions of this remaining core could be available for sharing.
  4. In order to maximize the quality of scientific publications resulting from GRIP and GISP2 two procedures for data sharing were suggested.
    1. A plan to jointly publish all continuous time-series, starting at ice depth zero, will be investigated. If not all of the scientists who have such data sets are in agreement with this suggestion then as many continuous time-series as agreed to would be jointly published. While decisions concerning the order of authorship may be problematic every attempt to develop such publications should be made, including production of more than one continuous time-series paper per measurement group in order to allow rotation of first authors where feasible.
    2. In the event that either joint authorship of continuous time-series is not possible or that an investigator from either GRIP or GISP2 were to be the first to publish another type of data set, then in an attempt to maintain a high level of quality and cooperation that investigator would make the data set used in the publication available to their counterpart in the other program so that the next paper on the subject would have the added strength of having included a comparable data set.
  5. In addition it was suggested that the complete and final data sets resulting from GISP2 and GRIP be published in one volume, perhaps an AGU Monograph.
  6. A joint program of atmospheric sampling at the ATM camp appears to have had a successful start during the 1989 field season and continues to expand during the 1990 field season. It was agreed that more components could be added to this program to enhance it even further and that there is considerable interest in year round monitoring capability at this site as well as in continuing the occupation of this site well after the deep drilling efforts in the region have ended.
  7. Future avenues of collaboration between GISP2 and GRIP will be actively sought.
  8. In the spirit of enhancing international cooperation in ice core research preliminary discussions were undertaken concerning models for international collaboration in deep drilling in Antarctica. A hypothetical model calling for cooperation in problem solving regardless of deep drilling site was proposed which would allow scientists flexibility in studying cores being recovered by national and/or multi-national programs. It was agreed upon that by no later than late October of 1990, considering the rapid emergence of drilling plans for Antarctica, an ad hoc meeting of some or all of the GISP2 and GRIP Steering Committee members plus several other representatives of deep drilling programs should be convened to develop a working model for cooperation in Antarctic deep drilling that could be taken back to their respective constituents for discussion and subsequently be acted upon.