Chemistry alcove personnel will pick up the CON02 sections of core from the wing slabbing waiting shelves. The slabs will have the tear-offs with notation of all breaks and the top and bottom depth of each piece.
Two possible methods for cleaning and allocating samples exist in the chemistry alcove, the melter system and the router system. Depending on which system is in use, the tasks to be done in the chemistry alcove are:
Instructions for Melter
1M. Cut the CON02 piece into the lengths indicated in the CON02 log book provided. Use the break information and the chemistry alcove ruler to determine the location of the cuts.
2M. Select the appropriate CON02 archive bottle and set next to cut sample in tray. Write the bottle tag number in the CON02 Log Book next to the appropriate depth range, as well as the date, who the section was cut by, and any appropriate notes.
3M. Slide the sample into the holder, place CON02 bottle on bottom of melter. Place sample on melter and remove sliding door to allow sample to melt. Inside melt sample will go to the labvan when completed. Outside melt sample will go to 2 liter bottle which will collect four meters of sample before being changed.
Instructions for Router Cleaning
1R. Cut the CON02 piece into the lengths indicated in the CON02 log book provided. Use the break information and the chemistry alcove ruler to determine the location of the cuts.
2R. Select the appropriate archive bottle number tag from the supply prepared for the day. Write the bottle tag number in the CON02 Log Book next to the appropriate depth range, as well as the date, who the section was cut by, and any appropriate notes. Put the cut section of core and the bottle number tag into the Plexiglas box.
If there is no ice available from a given sample interval, do not skip a bottle number. Use the tag numbers sequentially even if a sample is missing.
3R. Clean the cut piece using the router and put the cleaned piece into the melting container. Write the bottle number tag number on the melt container, and send the melt container up the dumbwaiter to the labvan.
4R. The bottle number tag is no longer useful. The CON02 tear-offs should be saved for the Data Manager who will collect the CON02 Log Book pages for duplication and entry into the CON02 database along with the tear-offs for duplication into a CON02 tear-off log book. The original log book pages will be returned to the chemistry alcove, and the copied pages will be stored in the labvan where they will be used as reference by the lab van personnel. The original tear-offs will be bundled and saved.
Isotope personnel pick up the ISO04 (or ISO01 as appropriate) from the wing slabbing alcove and processes it. The sections will come with tear offs marked with all breaks for the particular piece.
The Core handlers should communicate with the physical properties personnel in the trench 10 - 15 minutes before the sample is to be cut so they can be in the dome (or in the Feeder Trench as chosen) to pick the sample up. The physical properties personnel should mark the core card indicating the sample that has been removed.
Once melted the samples are pumped into sample containers and the CON02 archive containers. The date, and the approximate (± 10 ml) amount of sample in the CON02 archive container (after the continuous samples have been aliquoted) is recorded in the CON02 Data Sheet. The archive bottles are then refrozen, and put in ISC boxes in the storage trench. When an ISC box is full it should be labeled with; GISP2 Core D, CON02, and the range of bottle numbers in the box.
The laser particulates personnel pick up the RAM02 pieces from the wingslabbing alcove and process them. The tear-offs accompanying each section will indicate all breaks for the particular piece. The RAM02 pieces are then stored in ISC boxes labeled with; GISP2 Core D, RAM02, and the depth range in the box.