Recent warming in central Greenland?
Alley, R. B. and B.R. Koci
Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 14, p. 6-8, 1990

Initial measurements of C02 concentrations (1530 to 1940 AD) in air occluded in the GISP2 ice core from
central Greenland
Wahlen, M., D. Allen, B. Deck and A. Herchenroder
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 18, No. 8, p. 1457-1460, August 1991

Decade to century climate variability recorded in ice cores
Grootes, P. M.
Workshop on Climate Variability on Decade-to Century time scales. Irvine, CA, September 21-25, 1992.
National Academy of Sciences.

The "flickering switch" of late Pleistocene climate change
Taylor, K. C., G. W. Lamorey, G. A. Doyle, R. B. Alley, P. M. Grootes, P. A. Mayewski, J. W. C. White,
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Nature, Vol. 361, p. 432-436, 4 Feb. 1993

Abrupt accumulation increase at the Younger Dryas termination in the GISP2 ice core
Alley, R. B., D. A. Meese, C. A. Shuman, A. J. Gow, K. C. Taylor, P. M. Grootes, J. W. C. White, M.
E. D. Waddington, P. A. Mayewski, and G. A. Zielinski
Nature, Vol. 362, p. 527-529, 8 April 1993

The Atmosphere during the Younger Dryas
Mayewski, P. A., L. D. Meeker, S. Whitlow, M. S. Twickler, M. C. Morrison, R. B. Alley, P. Bloomfield,
and K. Taylor
Science, Vol. 261, p. 195-197, 9 July 1993

Greenland ice core "signal" characteristics :
An expanded view of climate change
Mayewski, P. A., L. D. Meeker, M. C. Morrison, M. S. Twickler, S. I. Whitlow, K. K. Ferland, D. A.
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The North Atlantic oscillation signature in deuterium and deuterium excess signals in the Greenland Ice
Sheet Project 2 ice core, 1840-1970
Barlow, L. K., White, J. W. C., Barry, R. G., Rogers, J. C., & Grootes, P. M.
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 20, No. 24, p. 2901-2904, December 23,1993

Preliminary depth-age scale of the GISP2 ice core
Meese, D.A., R.B. Alley, A.J. Gow, P. Grootes, P.A. Mayewski, M. Ram, K.C. Taylor, E. Waddington
and G. Zielinski
CRREL Special Report 94-01, February 1994

Changes in atmospheric circulation and ocean ice cover over the North Atlantic during the last 41,000
Mayewski, P.A., L. D. Meeker, S.I. Whitlow, M. S. Twickler, M. C. Morrison, P. Bloomfield,
G. C. Bond, R. B. Alley, A. J. Gow, P. M. Grootes, D. A. Meese, M. Ram, K. C. Taylor, W. Wumkes
Science, Vol. 263, p. 1747-1751, 25 March 1994

Record of volcanism since 7000 B.C. from the GISP2 Greenland ice core and implications for the
volcano-climate system
Zielinski, G.A., P.A. Mayewski, L.D. Meeker, S. Whitlow, M.S. Twickler, M. Morrison, D.A. Meese, A.J.
Gow and R.B. Alley
Science, Vol. 264, p. 948-952, 13 May 1994

The accumulation record from the GISP2 core as an indicator of climate change throughout the Holocene
Meese, D. A., A. J. Gow, P. Grootes, P. A. Mayewski, M. Ram, M. Stuiver, K. C. Taylor, E. D.
Waddington and G. A. Zielinski
Science, Vol. 266, p. 1680-1682, 9 December 1994

The GISP2 ice core record - paleoclimate highlights
Mayewski, P.A. and M. Bender
Reviews of Geophysics Supplement, p. 1287-1296. July 1995
(US National Report to the IUGG 1991-1994)

Resolved: The Arctic controls global climate change. In Arctic Oceanography: Marginal ice zone and
continental shelves
R. B. Alley
American Geophysical Union Coastal and Estuarine Studies. W.O. Smith, Jr. and J.M. Grebmeier (eds.),
p. 263-283, 1995

Large Arctic temperature change at the Wisconsin-Holocene glacial transition
Cuffey, K.M., G.D. Clow, R.B. Alley, M. Stuiver, E.D. Waddington, and R.W. Saltus
Science, Vol. 270, p. 455-458, 1995

The effect of ice sheet thickness changes on the accumulation history inferred from GISP2 layer
Cutler, N.A., C.F. Raymond, E.D. Waddington, D.A. Meese, and R.B. Alley,
Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 21, p. 26-32, 1995

Variations in melt-layer frequency in the GISP2 ice core: Implications for Holocene summer temperatures
in central Greenland
Alley, R.B. and S. Anandakrishnan
Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 21, p. 64-70, 1995

Complexity of Holocene climate as reconstructed from a Greenland ice core
O'Brien, S.M., P.A. Mayewski, L.D. Meeker, D.A. Meese, M.S. Twickler, S.I. Whitlow
Science, Vol. 270, p. 1962-1964, 1995

The GISP2 18O climate record of the past 16,500 years and the role of the sun, ocean and volcanoes
Stuiver, M., P.M. Grootes and T.F. Braziunas
Quaternary Research, Vol. 44, p. 341-354, 1995

Rapid Variation in Atmospheric Methane Concentration During the Past 110,000 Years
Brook, Edward J., T. Sowers, J. Orchardo
Science, Vol. 273, p. 1087-1091, 1996

The Younger Dryas termination and North Atlantic Deep Water formation: Insights from climate model
simulations and Greenland ice cores
Fawcett, Peter J., A.M. Ėgstsdttir, R.B. Alley, C.A. Shuman
Paleoceanography, Vol. 12, p. 23-38, February 1997

The CO2 concentration of air trapped in GISP2 ice from the Last Glacial Maximum-Holocene transition
Smith, H.J., M. Wahlen, D. Mastroianni, and K.C. Taylor
Geophys. Res. lett., Vol. 24(1), p. 1-4, 1997

Paleoenvironmental implications of the insoluble microparticle record in the GISP2 (Greenland) ice core
during periods of rapidly changing climate of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition
Zielinski, G.A. and G.R. Mershon
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., In Press

Major chemical species fluctuations over the last 110,000 years in the GISP2 ice core
Yang, Q., P.A. Mayewski, M. Twickler, S. Whitlow, P. Grootes and M. Stuiver
In Review